Bom um metodo que achei legal para o blog, já que é para "improve your english" é em geral, então melhorar seu inglês, melhorar sua pronuncia e sua gramatica. Cada vez que eu criar um post de uma aula, vou iniciar com um texto em inglês (qualquer tema) eu vou digitar das minhas queridas apostilas rs. Você vai ler sempre em voz alta. Isso ajuda a sua pronuncia, escrita e listen. Vamos lá para a primeira aula?! :)
first text
A better world for all
Poor people live without fundamental freedoms of action and choice that the better-off take for granted. They often lack adequate food and shelter, education and health, deprivations that keep them from leading the kind of life that everyone values. They also face extreme vulnerability to ill health, economic dislocation, and natural disasters. And they are often exposed to ill treatment by instituitions of the state and society and are powerless to influence key decisions affecting their lives. These are all dimensions of poverty.
They experience of multiple deprovations is intense and painfull. Poor people's description of what living in poverty means bears eloquent testimony to their pain. For those who live in poverty, escaping it can seem impossible. But it is not impossible.
Batter-off - people who have money.
Take for granted - are familiar with.
Bears - shows.
Aula de hoje - Verb To Be
I am
He is
She is
It is - from the Brazil.
We are
You are
They are
Where am I from?
Where is he/she/it/ from?
Where are we/you/they from?
About age...
How old are you?
I am 21. or
I am 21 years old.
Possessive adjectives
What is my/your/his/her name?
This is my/your/his/her/our/their house.
Question words
What is your phone number?
Where are you from?
How are you?
It is a ticket/newspaper/magazine.
We use an before vowel sound
It is an apple/envelope/English dictionary.
I am a doctor.
I am a student.
Obs.: Está tudo sem tradução por que meu livro está exatamente assim, e eu acho melhor, né?
Por hoje é só isso, para o post nao ficar longo. rs
Até mais!
Bjokas ;)
Amigaa...sem tradução não da :(
Muito bom seu Blog amigaa.Boa iniciativa !!!
Grande Beijo :)